About us

The International Plain Language Federation promotes the public benefits of plain language and works to improve professional practice. 


Our members

The International Plain Language Federation was established in 2007 as a joint project of 3 organizations: 

We work together to advance plain language as a profession. 


Our Board

We are managed by a board that has 6 representatives from the Federation’s 3 member organisations. 

The presidents of the member organizations appoint a Chair, and the Immediate Past Chair also remains on the Board. 

These members then select a further 6 Board members, who represent a wide range of countries and languages.


Our committees

While our Board provides oversight and sets the strategic direction for the Federation, much of our work is done by our committees.

These are made up of over 60 plain language practitioners from more than 20 countries. Our current committees are:

  • Certification
  • Communications
  • Standard Localization and Implementation
  • Training and Resources

We are immensely grateful for the time and effort of our volunteers in promoting plain language.

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